Take the Cookie

Remember a previous post where I said I was not only beginning to edit the stuff in my house, but the people in my life as well. I am being very discriminate. BUT, with that being said, I also realize I need to live life. When you've been accustomed to having a life partner accompany you to all social activities, it becomes uncomfortable learning to attend events alone. I tell people "I hate flying solo". And, really I do. However, I know I must step out of my comfort zone if I want to enjoy the things life and my community has to offer. I was offered tickets to an event and was told to bring my daughter as a guest. My daughter had schedule conflicts. I contemplated declining the tickets. As I was sharing this with a new friend, she said "my family has a saying. When offered cookies, accept the cookie." Meaning, if an opportunity comes your way, take it. You can always reject if later if its not to your liking.
So, I decided to take the cookie. I'll let you know how it went.
I do want to remember though as I go through life, Take the Cookie.