It's good to be Humble

With all the abundance that surrounds us, I can't help but feel that what is really lacking in our world today is common decency and kindness. When I first heard Tim McGraw's song Always Be Humble and Kind, I thought "I want that to be my guiding philosophy". Of course, I slip up from time to time but I do want to live by that principle. I really detest all the snarky-ness that is so commonplace. Come on people, we are better than that. I mean seriously, is all the presidential sniping embarrassing or what?
Today in church, Pastor Travis from Impact Church gave a great sermon about having a fulfilling life. One of his talking points spoke on this exact subject. He said, "Be Humble"! But he also made a great distinction when he said being humble doesn't mean thinking less of yourself, it means thinking of yourself less. Wow. That basically says it all. Maybe if we all thought about ourselves a little less, we could easily spread some kindness. Try it.