Disappearing Doors
As I was browsing through the February 50th Anniversary issue of Southern Living Magazine, I was so happy to see they shared my view on doors. Under the article "50 Secrets to a Gracious Home", tip no. 8 says: "Make doors in a pretty room disappear. Remove casings, and paint or paper the doors to match walls."
I would take this a step further. I was in a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, and noticed all the doors blended into the walls. Basically, just like tip 8 says. But, I also think a great way to achieve this look is with pocket doors. I love pocket doors. They just magically disappear and re-appear when needed. My dream home is going to have pocket doors. So often in homes you have 2-3 doors in close proximity and it becomes not only annoying but visually unappealing. I say make the doors disappear. Maybe have one statement door that stands out and say good-bye to the rest. Let's put them in our pocket!
Of course if you can't make the door disappear, make it worth noticing.