Lana Mitchell
Aug 24, 2016
A More Organized Space
It is surprising how just a small tweak here and there can not only improve the appearance but really make more efficient use of a space....
Lana Mitchell
Aug 14, 2016
It's good to be Humble
With all the abundance that surrounds us, I can't help but feel that what is really lacking in our world today is common decency and...
Lana Mitchell
Aug 11, 2016
Back to School
It's that time of year again. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Okay, I have to admit it has been quite a long time since my...
Lana Mitchell
Aug 6, 2016
Feeling Off-Centered
When decorating, it seems like the go-to rule is to have things "centered". Our first thought is to measure the space and then center...