Size Doesn't Matter

It’s not the size of your home, it’s the size of your heart.❤️ Of course large estate homes are impressive and beautiful and so fun to lust over. But the happiness and joy found within the home has nothing to do with its size. I have a dear friend who has a modest home. Yet, whenever I visit or stay with her, I don’t want to leave. You just feel the warmth and love. I was driving a new friend over to meet this friend and was describing my friend and her home. Many of the furnishings and accessories are “vintage” or just plain old hand-me-downs. The new friend couldn’t stop raving. So, Please! No matter the size or state of your home now, you can make it as grand as any castle. Because this is where you make memories, make meals, and make boundless love. Believe that both you and your home are worth making a very Merry Welcome indeed! #vintage#organizer #heartofthehome#bighomes #smallhomes