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Merry Welcome to my blog page! 

I am so excited to go through this journey with you.  As we go along this path, I plan to post on a frequent basis. I don't want you to get bored, but at the same time I also don't want to bombard you with postings.  Because to be honest, I'm kinda private.  A woman of few words.  But with that being said, my topics might range from the personal, to decorating, to my experience with recent services and purchases, all the way to general musings on life.  I do hope that you will want to come back for more!  Thanks so much for stopping by.


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September is the new January

Yes, I am repeating myself. But, I love that we get so many fresh starts during the year. For me, it's January 1, my birthday, and then of course back-to-school time. I spoke about this in 2 recent blogs. So, this morning in the Wall Street Journal there was yet another article about getting a fresh start as the fall season nears. Read it here. Anne Marie Chaker says that September is a time for planning, budgeting and renewal. She says the shift from summer back to our routines makes life changes easier. People are inspired to clear out their closets and garages of toys and clothing. Women are ready to change their look. There is a new commitment to fitness. Grocery store sales even improve as people plan meals again and aim to eat better. What are you waiting for? Feel free to contact me,, and I can help you get organized, purge unnecessary items, and join the movement!

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