Let's Get Festive, People

You know, it can be the simplest of things that sets you apart from the ordinary. Like everyone else, I've ordered most of my holiday gifts online. The UPS driver knows me by name and brings treats for Bogey. Anyhow, there have been a few occasions where I'm excited simply about the packaging. Even before I see the contents. For example, both Tory Burch and Louis Vuitton make the packaging part of the gift presentation. Almost too nice to open. But, of course, you know what lays ahead... Anyhow, I stole my title from another retailer. A box I received from J Crew had the following on it's tape on exterior box. Nothing fancy, but certainly made my day. Know what I mean?

So, "Let's Get Festive, People"! Speaking of festivities, don't you just love the smell of Christmas? Everything about it. Cookies, eggnog, cinnamon, a real spruce tree, and of course Christmas dinner. What could be better? Well, I love this easy way to make your house smell dreamy. I came across this simmer pot recipe in Real Simple magazine:
Place 2 cups water in a 1 quart pot and bring to boil.
1 lemon cut into thin slices
3 sprigs rosemary
1 tablespoo vanilla extract
1 tablespoon orange zest
Reduce heat to simmer. Add more water as needed.
Breathe in and enjoy! Oh, and Merry Christmas.