God's Version of Kon Mari Method to Organizing?

This was my morning Bible study. Being an organizer, I couldn’t help but take notice of this passage. Today is trash day in my neighborhood. Each week on my Tuesday morning walk, I simply can’t ignore the amount of trash we all send to the landfills. It always makes me flinch. When I spent a month in New York City, it was even more apparent and appalling. When I worked in the corporate world, I created the recycling program for my employer all the way back in 1990. I gave presentations throughout both the company and the community enlightening others about the need to reduce, re-use, recycle. One of the taglines I used was “when we say we are throwing this away, did you realize there is no such place of “away”?” It’s all remaining here with us in the environment.

So, to align with the Kon Mari Method, even before you bring something home, take a minute. Ask yourself, Do I really need this? Will it bring me joy? If you do bring it home, treat it respectfully and when it comes time to dispose of it, maybe you can find another home or use for it before it goes into the vast away…